Jaleo Madrid presenta un club de lectura en español

Únete a nuestro club de lectura

The return of summer and the start of the year always bring a lot of good intentions and new developments. For Jaleo Madrid, this is no exception, and we’ve come back strong to our classes by including a Spanish book club.

As you already know, what we love most is talking, and with the reading club, we combine it with our other great passion: reading.. This club takes place on Tuesdays and is part of our free extra activities, like the cultural activities on Thursdays.

To facilitate communication, we will divide the students into two levels. In the first level, there will be beginner students, and in the second, more advanced students. This way, we can work on the texts more personally, and the conversations will be adapted to all participants. More #spanish4life in addition to what the students practice every day in their classes.

This first month, we will cover topics such as Spanish traditions (tapas), Hispanic artists (Frida Kahlo), and current issues like an article on Spanish youth. All topics that will help you immerse yourself even more in Hispanic culture and understand something beyond the language.

In addition to incorporating this reading club, we have added new offers to our Spanish courses. In addition to intensive courses, we now offer conversation classes to further encourage students to communicate with each other and practice what they’ve learned in class, making it easier to use in everyday situations. And if you want personalized teaching with more classes, we also offer individual classes or preparation for official exams.

If you need personalized information about our courses, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, WhatsApp, or email. And if you want to meet us in person, we welcome you with open arms at our physical location near the Manuel Becerra and Lista metro stations.



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Special discount on Intensive Spanish Courses

Enroll before Sep 16th!
