Exploring the Benefits of SIELE Exam: An Alternative to DELE

SIELE exam Spanish Language


Many students ask us about the advantages of taking an official Spanish exam. Most of them immediately mention “DELE” when referring to an “official exam,” unaware that there are alternatives to this well-known test in the Spanish-speaking world. That’s why today we’re going to talk about DELE’s best-known alternative: SIELE.

What is SIELE?

SIELE is an exam designed to assess your level of Spanish and has official status, making it accepted by institutions such as universities. Like DELE, it evaluates the usual language skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Up to this point, everything is similar, but what are the differences?

Key Differences Between DELE and SIELE

1. Assessment Method:

DELE: This exam assesses students based on a specific level, resulting in a pass or fail grade.

SIELE: This test establishes the candidate’s level, ranging from A1 to C1, meaning you cannot fail in SIELE.

2. Exam Structure:

DELE: You must take the entire exam, covering all language skills.

SIELE: You can choose which parts you want to be examined on, allowing you to focus on specific skills.

3. Flexibility:

DELE: The dates and locations for taking the exam are limited.

SIELE: Offers more flexibility with dates and locations, and can even be taken from home.

4. Exam Format:

DELE: The traditional exam uses paper and pen.

SIELE: Conducted entirely on a computer, speeding up the grading process with results available within a maximum of three weeks.

Pros and Cons of SIELE


No Pass/Fail: Candidates receive a certificate indicating their proficiency level.

Customization: Students can choose which language skills to be tested on.

Convenience: Greater flexibility in exam dates and locations, including the option to take the exam from home.

Faster Results: Results are processed quickly, typically within three weeks.


Validity: Unlike DELE, which has no expiration date, SIELE is only valid for five years. This is understandable because language skills can deteriorate if not practiced.


Choosing between DELE and SIELE depends on your specific needs and circumstances. SIELE offers significant flexibility, a customizable exam structure, and faster results, making it an attractive option for many students. However, its limited validity period is something to consider. If you want more specific information about SIELE, you can visit our dedicated page or ask us directly. Jaleo Madrid is a certified SIELE center, so you can take the exam with us—and if you want, we will help you prepare for it.

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