SIELE at Home? Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking the Exam Remotely

SIELE at home?

Why We Recommend the SIELE Exam

Au Jaleo Madrid, we are big fans of the SIELE exam. We find it a quick and relatively affordable way to determine your Spanish level and identify your main weaknesses. We are aware that it has some differences that could be seen as drawbacks compared to the DELE, such as its validity or the fact that the oral exam is not conducted with an interviewer, but it has other strengths.

International Recognition and Credibility

SIELE is an internationally recognized exam, endorsed by prestigious institutions such as the Instituto Cervantes, the University of Salamanca, the University of Buenos Aires, and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. This ensures that your certification will be valued and accepted worldwide, which can open many academic and professional doors for you.

Flexibility of Time and Location

One of the aspects we find most interesting about the SIELE exam is the flexibility to choose the time and place that best suit your needs. The schools that host the exam can offer different time slots, and they also decide whether the exam can be taken in person or remotely from your own home.

Taking the SIELE Exam at Home: How It Works

The remote exam is taken from the comfort of your home, using your computer. You just need to meet some basic requirements for your computer, and you’ll need a mobile phone with WhatsApp. Thirty minutes before the exam, the school will contact you to verify that your environment is appropriate for the exam. You won’t be allowed to have your phone within reach, you must be alone, and other typical exam conditions will apply. The school will monitor the exam through your webcam, ensuring the validity of the process. If you have any doubts, just pick up the phone and talk to the school—they will solve any problems.

Remote vs. In-Person Exam: What’s the Difference?

If you are a fan of remote work, you’ll love the option to take the exam from the comfort of your home. However, if you prefer a more personal touch, you can always opt to take the exam at the school in person. The main difference is that during the break in the middle of the exam, you can use the bathroom if you’re at the school, but if you’re at home, you’ll need to remain in your seat.

Same Exam, Same Certification

In any case, the exam is the same, and its pros and cons remain the same, whether you take it at home or at the school. It ultimately depends on the preference of each student, and that flexibility is undoubtedly an advantage.

Get Expert Help from Jaleo Madrid

If you want more information about these exams, feel free to contact Jaleo Madrid. We organize the SIELE exam and can help you with any problems that arise. Additionally, if you’d like to prepare for the exam with us, we will support you with all our efforts to help you achieve the best possible score.

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