Do English and Spanish Look Alike? The False Friends Between These Languages

Falsos amigos en español e inglés

At Jaleo Madrid, we have a large number of classes with people from the United States, especially during the summer. Every year, in these classes, we hear the same false friends between English and Spanish. It’s a mistake that often repeats itself among Spanish learners whose native language is English.

Not Just English Speakers: Common Errors for All Spanish Learners

In fact, it’s not just people from English-speaking countries who make this kind of mistake. Since English is so widespread in all areas, many students who also speak English make the same errors. And it’s not just them—native Spanish speakers face similar challenges when trying to express themselves in English. In fact, many of these errors have become so common in Spanish that they are now used more frequently than the words that actually fulfill that function. Nobody “postulates” for a job offer anymore; everyone “applies.”

Au Jaleo Madrid, we’ve worked to compile a list of false friends from yesterday and today:

“Actualmente” vs. “Actually”

This word is often confused with “actually.” That is, students use it when they want to say “in reality.” This connector joins the nightmare of “at the end of the day,” translated word for word from English, when Spanish speakers are only thinking about sleep at the end of the day.

“Embarazado/a” Doesn’t Mean Embarrassed

Spanish classes are full of unwanted pregnancies. Don’t get me wrong, we’re speaking linguistically here, as “embarrassed” sneaks into the language, replacing “avergonzado” (embarrassed). The red faces of those who realize their mistake are a classic in ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language) schools.

“Aplicar” vs. “Postular” for Job Offers

As we mentioned before, this mistake is also made by native Spanish speakers, especially when talking about job or study opportunities. Of course, it’s a less pompous word than “postular,” but in our minds, “applying for a job” sounds as if we’re rubbing ointment on the job offer.

“Realizar” Instead of “Darse Cuenta”

We have to admit that “darse cuenta” (to realize) is a slightly more complicated phrase than “realizar,” so it’s understandable that students prefer to simplify the language. Perhaps this is why this is one of the hardest false friends to correct.

“Introducir” vs. “Presentar” Someone

Another error that brings many blushing faces when it replaces the verb “present” or “meet” someone. This false friend is often accompanied by another mistake that is becoming increasingly common among native Spanish speakers: “meet someone for the first time.”

Want to Avoid These Mistakes? Let Us Help!

If you want to work on correcting these mistakes, we’d be happy to help. Contact us to arrange one of our classes. We look forward to meeting you!

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