Our Favorite Games in Spanish Class

Games in Spanish class

At Jaleo Madrid, we have a room full of different types of games. We also know various applications and uses for digital whiteboards with a playful approach. Besides loving to play, what we aim for is student motivation, their enjoyment, and making sure their brain is more open to learning.

Why Games Matter in the Classroom: Boosting Motivation and Learning

Science tells us that when we are happy or motivated, we release dopamine. This makes learning much easier compared to when we are stressed or bored. Additionally, games allow us to use our Spanish in practical situations.

Today on our blog, we’ll talk about our favorite classroom games:

Ikonikus: Empathy and Conditionals in Action

1. Ikonikus: The day we discovered Ikonikus, our classes changed forever. Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but we really loved it. It’s a card game that represents emotions through icons (sometimes quite unexpected ones). Players have to empathize with the player asking how they would feel in a particular situation. All conditionals at all levels come into play when we use this game.

Bananagrams: A Classic Game for Language Versatility

2. Bananagrams: A banana full of vowels and consonants. What more could we ask for? This game is a classic in language classes, and its versatility allows us to play in different ways. You’ll come up with a thousand ideas once you unzip the bag.

Storycubes: Unleashing Creativity with Every Roll

3. Storycubes: Another classic that can be used in many ways. In fact, thanks to technology, it can even be projected online. What’s the game about? Basically, whatever you want. It can be used to write horoscopes, describe your ideal vacation, or talk about what you did in a past life… You can practice all verb tenses.

Linkee: A Fun Challenge to Test Your Vocabulary

4. Linkee: A recent addition where students must guess a word based on various clues. Ideally, they would then create their own clue cards for practice.

Unánimo: Getting Everyone on the Same Wavelength

5. Unánimo: This game with small boards aims to have participants say words most commonly associated with a given category. For example, for pizza: tomato, cheese… The goal is for everyone to be on the same wavelength. Drumroll for the wordplay!

Join Us for Learning Through Play: Contact Us Today!

Want to come and play with us? Don’t hesitate to contact Marina or Silvana through our website or WhatsApp. We’re waiting for you!

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