Five Reasons to Take the DELE Spanish Exam in 2024

Spanish exam DELE

The DELE is an exam of Spanish as a foreign language organized by the Instituto Cervantes. You can select the level you want and show that you control Spanish by reading, speaking, listening and writing. If you still have doubts about whether it is worth taking the exam or not, we encourage you to read our post today, in which we give you five reasons to take the DELE.

Accredit the Level of Spanish

It is possible that at some point in your life you want to study at a Spanish university. To do this, you will need to have in your hands an official certificate that can say what your level is. On the other hand, in your CV it will be much more attractive to indicate that you have a certified level, beyond simply writing the level that you think you have. It is possible that your Spanish school will give you a certificate, but it does not have the same value as the one you can obtain with a DELE exam.

Set a Goal

Many of our students have trouble getting organized in their study and concentrating on moving forward. In this sense, the DELE is an objective that helps students to set a deadline. For many people it is much easier to focus and let go of the nightmare of procrastination.

Solve Fossilized Errors

During the study of a language, it is normal that there are some problems that remain over time. In the case of Spanish, the most normal thing is to continue making mistakes sometimes with masculine and feminine or the dreaded errors with the subjunctive and the difference between “ser” and “estar”. Having an exam at the end of the road can provide the extra motivation that you were missing.

Work on What you Like the Least

It is very likely that you do not like writing at all or that you think that you know how to read perfectly, even if you only read the texts that appear in your Spanish book. DELE allows you to work on aspects that are heaviest for you when studying a language. In this way, your improvement will be complete and you will be able to say that you have mastered all the facets that are examined.

Match Your Level of Spanish

Finally, after all the motivations we have given you, you will have reached the point of having a homogeneous level of Spanish. Many times we forget that in addition to speaking, to have a good level in a language you need to write, and normally we lack the practice that studying an exam such as the DELE gives us.

If you’re ready to prepare for the DELE, visit our DELE preparation page for more details about our classes. You can also find additional exam information on the Institute Cervantes website. If you have any questions, the teachers at Jaleo Madrid are here to help. Best of luck with your preparation!

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